24 September 2020

Agenda Item 27



Brighton & Hove City Council




To amend the wording preceding the recommendations as shown below in strikethrough. To replace recommendation 2.3, insert a new 2.4 and 2.5 and to renumber the existing 2.4 so that it becomes 2.6 and to further amend it as shown in strikethrough and bold italics below:


That the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee recommends to

the Policy & Resources Committee that it:


2.1       Notes that the Community Interest Company (CIC) agreed by Policy & Resources Committee on 23rd January 2020 as the preferred leaseholder for the former Waterhall Golf Course site will not be concluding lease arrangements.


2.2       Agrees that the Council’s Cityparks Service undertake rewilding at Waterhall and submit funding applications for Countryside Stewardship Grants to support this work. Community engagement will be a major part of the rewilding activities undertaken.


2.3       Agrees to a marketing exercise being undertaken of the buildings located on the site as per 3.12 and conclude lease agreements with preferred leaseholders,

who will undertake activities which complement re-wilding.


2.3       That a feasibility study be undertaken for the removal of the clubhouse to facilitate the rewilding of this open, high, inter-visible Downscape, and its replacement by a new  building  near the site of the old Waterhall Farm and cottages, which might be used as a café, farm shop, rewilding project offices, or similar


2.4       That a programme of community consultation take place prior to any marketing of the existing or new buildings, and in the light of 2.3 above


2.5       That a further report is brought to this Committee 1) to advise the Committee on the implications of formally designating Waterhall (former) Golf Course as statutory access land and 2) to report the outcomes of the recommendations at 2.3 and 2.4.


2.4 2.6 Delegates authority to the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture to implement the recommendations 2.2 and to 2.53.



 Proposed by: Cllr Appich                               Seconded by: Cllr O’Quinn